On Tour: France

France here we are and we love you!

Yorkshire Appetite on Tour:  France

Discovering France

Food Tours are like a culinary and cultural experience discovering destinations through their culinary traditions and we have been taking our visitors on these adventures in Harrogate and York since 2017. 

Our ‘On Tour’ is  a journey through the food experiences offered by la belle France by sisters (and Yorkshire Appetite Guides), Kay Atkinson and Jill Laurillard.  They know the traditional Yorkshire dishes very well but as for the French versions – they are finding out what these are, who makes them and where the best ones are.  They are exploring the food experiences all around France to show you how you too can focus on food on your travels. 

Food Tours and Food Tourism in general has been growing rapidly over the last ten years and despite an enforced year off, it is set to go from strength to strength. Our findings will culminate in a book which will be a perfect companion for your French holidays to get the most out of the country and its cuisine. 

Come along with us on our journey – we will be updating you as we discover the regions of France.

Our Last Week.......

This time next week, we will be back in the UK and back to our usual routines.  It has been such a great journey, great to spend so much time as sisters and to share such an adventure.  We joined a lunchtime cooking class in Lyon where under the watchful eye of Chef JP you learn how to cook a dish - in this case goats cheese risotto with peas and prawns - and then sit with the other participants to have a convivial meal.  There is Jill in the video above finishing the risotto. 

Dijon was a marvel.  We met the International Relations Dept of the council as they are celebrating 70 years of being twinned with York so we took them some Yorkshire products  as a gift - they will now be sipping that Yorkshire Tea and Yorkshire Heart Wine!  Yes, we took wine to France. Brave.   We visited the mustard factory - you will see from the video to the left that mustard does not just come in two types - Dijon or Colemans, you can get all sorts.  At the factory we even made our own.   We also got to find out how they make pan d'epice and creme de cassis.   Great fun.

Yesterday we had a day in Paris to celebrate my birthday although such a big city was a bit of a shock after spending so much time driving through rural France!.  We will be visiting Lille on the way back to the channel for a look at their specialities then back to work, back to the tours and finish the writing of the book - do put your name down for a copy below.

A Bientot

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